Find the zone that matches your area of concern

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Find the zone that matches your area of concern


Zone 1 (Forehead):
ACNE: Small bumps or cysts caused by candida overgrowth in the gut. This will often be accompanied by acne in Zone 4.

MELASMA: Large patches of brown resulting from damage to the liver.

ROSACEA: Redness that remains relatively constant and worsens with triggers from certain foods or stress. It reflects the large intesine.

Zone 2 (Upper Eyelids):
ECZEMA: This is caused by adrenal stress. It can occur from excess caffeine and other stimulants, anxiety or heavy stress. It results in peeling and irritation of the skin.

Zone 3 (Lower Eyelid Region):
KIDNEY DAMAGE: Dark circles, redness or puffiness can occur from the use of NSAIDS like aspirin or ibuprofen, etc. It can also occur from caffeine, other medications, and lack of sleep.

Zone 4 (Cheeks and Temples):
ACNE: Small bumps or cysts caused by candida overgrowth in the gut.

ROSACEA: Redness that remains relatively constant or worsens from triggers like certain foods or stress. It reflects the large intestine.

MELASMA: Brown pigment areas found in similar regions on both sides of the face that result from liver damage often associated with medication.

Zone 5 (Lower-middle Cheekbone):
ROSACEA & ACNE ROSACEA: Redness and/or acne in this region is from bacterial or candida overgrowth, ulcers, and digestive issues in the small intestines.

Zone 6 (Lateral to Nose):
ROSACEA: Redness next to the nose is caused by gastritis or H. Pylori overgrowth in the stomach.

Zone 7 (Nasal Flares):
ROSACEA: Redness or capillaries on the side of the nose is caused by acid reflux affecting the lower esophagus.

Zone 8 (Tip of Nose):
ROSACEA: Redness associated with inflammation in the back of the throat often caused by hard alcohol.

Zone 9 (Lower Cheeks and Jawline):
ACNE: Bumps or cysts caused by estrogenic toxins and testosterone imbalance. Commonly affecting the mid-face, neck, chest, and back.

MELASMA: Brown pigment areas found in similar regions on both sides of the face that result from liver damage often associated with medication.

Zone 10 (Perioral):
ACNE: Bumps or cysts associated with estrogenic toxins and testosterone imbalance from toxins absorbed by the colon in constipated individuals.

PERIORAL DERMATITIS: This is caused either by constipation or from mouth toxicity from toxins like fluoride.

MELASMA: The upper lip can develop patchy brown areas associated with liver damage.